Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Stila Eyeshadow Palettes

Hey guys
First I just wanted to thank you guys so much for reading my blog and supporting me. It is very appreciated! If you haven't followed me please please do! I would love more support. I was thinking about doing a giveaway once I reached a certain number of followers, what do you guys think about it? And if you like the idea, how many followers should I do it at? Would love your guys input so please comment below!

Alright, lets get into it!
I absolutely love Stila eye products and especially the shadows. They are so pigmented and you only need a little to achieve the look you want. Which is amazing cause the shadows last for so long. I really do like the single eye shadows but the palettes are where it is at! You get 10 shadows in a palette so that is all you need to create a look. Whether it is a more natural day look or a more dramatic night look. You can make it happen with EVERY palette! One reason why I love them! All the palettes come with a full size smudge stick and a little "get the look" book. Which is great and can be helpful if you are stuck on what exact look to create with the different shadows.

In the Light Palette
This one has the infamous Kitten eye shadow so naturally it is very popular. The colors are so gorgeous. Mostly shimmer shadows but it does have a few matte shadows. This palette is perfect for all those neutral girls out there! This palette comes with the smudge stick shade "Damsel" with is a darker brown.
In The Garden
So this palette has more fun shades but still has some neutral shades as well. Perfect for day and night looks! And for those girls who like to switch it up and get a little creative! Once again this has mostly shimmer but also a few matte which I really think is awesome.  This palette come with the smudge stick in the shade "Starfish" which is a really pretty green color.

In The Moment
This I must admit is my favorite palette simply for the colors. The purple colors are so pretty but not overwhelming and you can create the prettiest looks by mixing the dark purple and dark brown. Perfect for creating a purple smoky eye. It once again has shimmer and matte shades and the prettiest highlighting shade. I think everyone should own this palette! This one comes with the smudge stick in the shade " Tetra" which is a really nice dark purple color.

In The Know
This the all matte palette. I love that they have a palette that is strictly matte shades. It is perfect for the women that don't think they can pull off shimmer shadows or older ladies. You can create so many different looks. Definitely something for everyone in this palette. Even to have this palette for transition shades in the crease is perfect. (Although the other palettes have matte shades for that purpose as well). This palette has the smudge stick in the shade "Halfmoon" which is a dark grey color.

Thank you guys so much for reading. I am sorry I didn't go to much into depth with the palettes just gave more of an overview. I only did this because I believe you really need to swatch eye shadows yourself and feel the texture and see the pigment first hand. I very much do think everyone needs at least one of these palettes in their life because you wont regret it! If you do have any questions about these palettes please feel free to comment below and I will answer to the best of my knowledge.

And please if you guys want to know a little bit more about me you can read my very first blog post or you can comment and ask me :)

All of these pictures are off of the Stila website

All of these opinions are my own and I purchase all products myself.

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